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Best Time to Implement Barn Fly Control Systems

Thankfully, we have the option of barn fly control systems.  But people are unable to enjoy the benefits of these systems because they don’t know when to implement them. Due to wrong timing, fly infestation increases and makes things worse for all. 

In this post, we will discuss some factors that will help you determine the best time to implement systems for barn fly control

Consider the seasons 

Seasons play an important role in the infestation process of the flies. Generally, they are highly active in warmer months.  So, prefer spring and early summer to implement the barn fly killer.  This is the time when the population of the fly starts. You can control this population growth by implementing the system before the peak season. 

Intervene early 

There is a peak for fly population.  You should start the implementation process before the population reaches its peak.  This is difficult to identify but with regular monitoring, you can identify the peak time. Your proactive approach can reduce the speed of increasing fly numbers and make it easy for you to control and manage them. 

Know the flies’ life cycle 

The life cycle of the flies varies with their species. First, learn about predominant fly species in your area and then understand their life cycles. Remember, no two types have the same life cycle. Some flies lay eggs in spring that hatch into larvae during the summer for development.  If you target these larvae as soon as you see their signs, you can effectively disturb their breeding cycle. 

Stay consistent 

Barn fly control is not a one-time process. If you are implementing a system in your barn, make sure you are consistent in using it. With time, you should make changes or adjustments in the system for better targeting.  Also, pay regular attention to the system for undisturbed operations. You should start early and maintain the control measures throughout the fly season for continuous protection. 

Consider environmental factors 

Temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors affect the activities of barn flies. Also, these factors impact the effectiveness of barn fly control. So, before implementing the system in your barn, consider the environmental factors. Find out if the system will adapt to the environmental factors. 

Closing Lines 

The best time to implement barn fly control systems depends on the factors discussed above. Once you determine the right time, come to Fly Control U.S.  We have the best way to control flies in your barn, keeping it clean and safe for your animals. 

We offer a wide variety of barn fly killer systems that are easy to use and deliver good results. We can also customize our systems according to your needs. Other than this, we provide a full complement of accessories and replacement parts to maintain your systems for years. 

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